Hi everyone. I feel I've neglected my post lately, so this seemed like an opportune time to check in. I know how few of you actually read this, which is alright, but I made a commitment, however loose, to this writing thing, and I'd like to see it through.
I still live in New York. I, frankly, haven't written because i've been too busy with other projects, namely making money and some 4 hour fitness dealio which promises mind blowing results in a minimal amount of time which I guess I wasn't doing correctly, because I look the way I looked when I started, maybe slightly fatter.
There's really not much to say. Maybe I'm making radio noise just for the sake of making radio noise. Maybe writing was just a flash in the pan. Maybe I'll never know.
But hey, how have you been? Are you OK these days? Do you have any questions you want answered, any thoughts you feel deserve open discourse. I'm a highly reflective 24 year old and that's really all the life experience or qualification I bring to the table, but if you'd like to talk, I'm here without any ability or right to judge.
I still live in New York. I, frankly, haven't written because i've been too busy with other projects, namely making money and some 4 hour fitness dealio which promises mind blowing results in a minimal amount of time which I guess I wasn't doing correctly, because I look the way I looked when I started, maybe slightly fatter.
There's really not much to say. Maybe I'm making radio noise just for the sake of making radio noise. Maybe writing was just a flash in the pan. Maybe I'll never know.
But hey, how have you been? Are you OK these days? Do you have any questions you want answered, any thoughts you feel deserve open discourse. I'm a highly reflective 24 year old and that's really all the life experience or qualification I bring to the table, but if you'd like to talk, I'm here without any ability or right to judge.