Patriarchy is a funny thing. We can talk all about its roots later, but here's what's funny about it: it makes men superior, right? Like, rule of the fathers and all. So men are deemed pretty important.
Irony: when you make something important (shall I even say "precious?") And tell it that its whole life, it starts to believe it. When men are brought up to believe they are special and deserve privilege, it takes a lot of new information and education to get them to believe otherwise. In the process of that education, though, the men being educated learn something: they're not special. They're regular. They're people before they are men, just like women are people before they are women, and everyone on (or off) the gender spectrum is someone before they are (or aren't) that thing.
But that means men aren't special.
And that hurts our feelings because we were raised our whole lives to believe we would save the world. We were the ones that mattered. We were the ones this world was promised to.
And women... are nice? I guess? They showed up to help us because we are the movers. The shakers. The doers. The all knowing, all powerful.
Oof. This has gone a little too far, but do you get it?
When you put something on a pedestal and it believes is belongs there, then the fall is even scarier, because it never knew what the ground was and has no idea if it can survive.
So two things.
1) Men: buck up. You're not special. You're not better. And sadly, our sex has been crushing the world to death under its heel for centuries (not our fault today, guys, but we are still paying the price, so get ready for the revolution and get on the winning side).
2) Everyone else: please be gentle with us. Or at least, love us while we learn. I mean, the learning is coming, and we'll make the switch, but please: forgive the patriarchy, for it knows not what it does. That doesn't mean don't try to kill it with every ounce of your might. But just remember: it's not the enemy. It's an old dog that needs to be put down but is afraid to let anyone get close. Its time will come.
And don't make the men you know the villains. Remember, they (we) are like children who don't know any better. If you don't know it's wrong to stick the fork in the socket, you do it. That doesn't mean the parent should hate the child for it. Not 100% comparable, but do you get it?